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Lianyungang import freight

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Lianyungang Zhanhang International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.

Contact: Mr. Ge

Tel: 0518-82319015

Mobile phone: 15061331330


WeChat: 540978648

Web: www.lygzhhy.com

Contact: Miss Wang

Tel: 0518-82319085

Mobile phone: 15061363082


WeChat: WY71188

Address: 12th Floor, Sunshine International, Haitang North Road, Lianyun District

Website: www.lygzhhy.com

Website:  en.lygzhhy.com

New rules for cross-border logistics

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New rules for cross-border logistics

Date of release:2018-09-13 Author: Click:

Due to the mandatory inspection of imports through the port of Santa cruz (SRZ) by the Bolivian customs authorities, DHL non-documentary shipments will be subject to customs clearance delays.

50% of all incoming cargo is subject to physical "red channel" inspection. Due to the increase in the quantity of goods and the scarcity of customs staff in BO, it is expected that there will be a + 30-day delay in the SRZ GTW order. There are +700 non-file goods in the SRZ GTW backlog.

Lianyungang forwarder

DHL is currently moving informal non-paper shipments to the replacement LPB GTW to avoid further exacerbating the SRZ backlog. Delivery via LPB will be +1 day in SRZ.

In order to avoid customs delays for Bolivia, it is important to emphasize:

1. Only accept original commercial invoices;

2. Proforma invoices are prohibited, which should be specified item by item, including: brand and model of goods; Whether the product is new or has been used; Incoterms, freight and insurance charges if applicable.

3. Packing list from country of origin is required for goods with multiple items;

The address of this article:http://en.lygzhhy.com/news/398.html

Key word:Lianyungangfreightforwardingcompany,Lianyungangimportforwardingcompany,Lianyungangforwarder

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Contact us

Lianyungang Zhanhang International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.

Contact: Mr. Ge

Representative position: business manager

Tel: 0518-82319015

Mobile phone: 15061331330

Address: 12th Floor, Sunshine International, Haitang North Road, Lianyun District, Lianyungang City

Website: www.lygzhhy.com

Website:  en.lygzhhy.com


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